
Видимый звук: симфония Санкт-Петербурга

Saturday, December 29 at 9 PM

Venue: Eve’s Ribs, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Dear Friends, Family, Filmmakers, Cinephiles and LOVERS of the City of Saint Petersburg!

You’re invited to the premiere of a new film made by 48 local filmmakers!!!

The SOUND WE SEE: A Saint Petersburg City Symphony

(Видимый звук: симфония Санкт-Петербурга)

It has been an absolute joy for Lisa Marr and Paolo Davanzo from the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles to spend a month in this magical city thanks to the wonderful organization CEC ArtsLink!! (

CEC Artlink is a beacon of hope, goodness and love and, most importantly, a builder of communication and collaboration between Nations!

We cordially invite you all to attend the premiere of this new 24-minute Super 8 analog film that is screening this Saturday, December 29th at EVE’s RIBS. Please email us directly for the address to the venue.

The screening will begin promptly at 9PM and will have live musical accompaniment created especially for the film.

The event is FREE but we ask that everyone bring some food or drink to share.

EVE’s RIBS is terrific local feminist/activist space. Please be respectful to the neighbors when entering and exiting and have a wonderful time!!

See you Saturday Night!!!


Paolo, Lisa & the Echo Park Film Center Family

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