Process, Contact, Movement! A Hands-On 16mm film Workshop: EPFC SUMMER YOUTH WORKSHOP
In this workshop, we will go over the basic components of the 16mm camera and projector and watch a few 16mm films collectively. In addition, we will learn the basic concepts of analog filmmaking through two hands-on activities. For part of the workshop, we will make our own films using direct animation techniques. We will scratch onto black leader, color onto clear leader, bleach, etch and puncture old film to create repurposed works. In addition, we will learn about optical soundtrack and create our own soundtracks by manipulating and drawing onto the margin of film reserved for the soundtrack. We will project these films and learn about the basic concepts of frames per second and the shutter effect’s on our perception of movement. For the second half of the workshop, we will make photograms with black and white reversal film stock. We will collect various organic materials around the neighborhood, or bring in our own textured objects to create these photograms either using a darkroom enlarger or a flashlight. We will then hand process these strips of film to understand the basic process of photo chemistry.
The class will meet Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 4:30 -6:30 pm for 2 consecutive weeks beginning August 11. The class is free and open to youth ages 12-19. Students must be able to attend all six sessions. All supplies provided by EPFC. Workshop instructor is EPFC Summer Artist In Residence Meg Rorison.
This event is fully booked.